Book Review: Simple Happiness – 52 Easy Ways to Lighten Up by Jim Ryan

Simple Happiness – Spreading Joy One Day at a Time

“Simple Happiness” by Jim Ryan serves as a beacon of light for those lost in the complexities of life, yearning to reclaim the simplicity of joy. Each of the 52 ways to elevate your mood and perspective is a testament to the belief that happiness isn’t as elusive as it seems—it’s merely a few thoughtful changes away.

Ryan’s methodology is grounded in the day-to-day; it illuminates the overlooked corridors of comfort within our reach. From the power of a smile to the underestimated art of listening, his examples resonate deeply, often masked as mundane interactions. This book breaks down happiness into manageable pieces—bite-sized wisdom for the soul, digestible weekly or daily.

The section of compassion, beautifully illustrated through Ryan’s unreciprocated greeting to his neighbor, touched me personally. It’s a poignant reminder that compassion isn’t about what we expect, but accepting others as they are. Such offerings of goodwill ripple outwards and, ultimately, reflect the very essence of what it means to be human.

May this book find a place on your shelf—from the optimist seeking affirmation to the pessimist looking for a spark. Ryan’s personable and practical advice transcends the boundaries of age, culture, and status. I believe families, professionals, and students alike can benefit from these 52 simple yet profoundly effective stratagems.

With a style that’s both conversational and convincing, “Simple Happiness” becomes more than a read—it’s an experience. I recommend savoring each section to digest the accompanying wisdom fully. Jim Ryan has not only captured the essence of joy but also wrapped it in the warmth of everyday life.

In today’s fast-paced world, Ryan’s book is an essential tool in fostering an environment of positivity and contentment. To those willing to invest a few minutes each day or week, “Simple Happiness” offers hopeful clarity in return. Reading this book could very well be the gentle nudge your happiness has been waiting for.

Get your copy of Jim’s book here.

Staying Connected: Fun Ways to Keep in Touch With Far Away Family and Friends

Audio for post: Staying Connected: Fun Ways to Keep in Touch With Far Away Family and Friends

In a world that’s becoming increasingly digitized, it’s much easier to stay in touch with people regardless of where they are in the world. However, it can be quite difficult to find creative ways to consistently keep in touch with those loved ones that live far away. There are so many ways to have fun and meaningful interactions with them, all from the comfort of your own home. In this blog, we’ll discuss five unique ideas that will work well for anyone who wants to keep in touch with loved ones that may be miles away.

Virtual Game Nights

One of the easiest and most popular ways to stay connected with friends and family is through game nights. In the age of technology, we have plenty of options for virtual gatherings. For example, you could use a platform like Zoom or Skype to connect with loved ones. Afterwards, make use of websites that feature tons of online board games, like Board Game Arena , Table Top Simulator, or Tabletopia. The possibilities are endless, and it’s a fun way to spend quality time with those you may be missing.

Online Book Club

This is another great way to connect with loved ones who live farther away. You can start up an online book club where all members can read the same book and discuss it together virtually. This is a great way to bond and have conversations with your loved ones over shared interests. Use websites like Goodreads, and Amazon Book Clubs to keep track of your progress and share what you’re reading with friends and family.

Virtual Movie Nights

Movie streaming websites like Netflix, MAX, and Amazon Prime now offer features that allow multiple users to stream the same title simultaneously, so you can easily watch the same movie in real-time with loved ones from afar. You can even use the chat feature on these platforms to communicate throughout the movie. This is a fun way to bond over shared interests and enjoy something together, even if you’re not in the same room.




Online Classes or Workshops

You could also consider signing up for online classes or workshops together with your loved ones. You could even organize a virtual art class where you all paint the same picture and share with each other later. Websites like Udemy have a vast library of courses available, so there’s something for everyone. You could brush up on a new skill or hobby, and have fun sharing your progress and learning with each other.

Pen Pals

Sometimes, the simple ways of connection are the best. With everything happening online, it’s easy to forget the joy of handwritten communication. Online pen pal programs, like PenPal World or InterPals, provide a great platform to meet new people. With traditional letters or even email correspondence, you could stay connected with loved ones that live far away. And who doesn’t love receiving a handwritten letter, filled with warmth and affection?


Stationary Sets

Best pens

In conclusion, there’s no excuse to not be able to keep in touch with your loved ones no matter how far away they are. Video calls and texts are great, but sometimes, it’s good to add personal touch and fun to our interactions. Whether it’s enjoying a good book together or trying out a new hobby together, there are plenty of unique and fun ways you could stay engaged and connected with loved ones, wherever they are in the world. With these tips, distance can absolutely remain just a number.

This is just for fun!

Natural Remedies for Migraine Relief: A Guide for Sufferers

Play Audio of this Article: Natural Remedies for Migraine Relief

Migraine pain is one of the worst experiences that one can go through. This neurological condition causes intense, throbbing headaches that can be debilitating. If you suffer from migraines, you know how it can ruin your day-to-day activities and can make you feel helpless. Pain medication can help relieve symptoms, but natural remedies can be helpful as well. So, in this article, we’ll discuss the best natural remedies for migraine relief, including some best practices that can help reduce the frequency of migraines.

Magnesium: Increasing magnesium intake has been found to be effective in reducing the frequency and intensity of migraines. This mineral helps relax the muscles and nerves and can prevent migraines. You can increase your magnesium intake by eating foods such as nuts, leafy greens, and dark chocolate. Taking supplements may also be necessary.

Recommendations: Life Extension Neuro-mag Magnesium L-threonate

Ginger: Ginger is an anti-inflammatory herb that has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for pain relief. It has a calming effect on the body, which can help reduce the frequency of migraines. Consuming fresh ginger or taking ginger supplements can provide relief from migraines.

Recommendations: Ginger Root Extract Powder – Herbal Extract

Essential Oils: Essential oils such as peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus have a calming effect that can help relieve pain and promote relaxation. Applying diluted essential oils to your temples or inhaling them through diffusers can be helpful. However, always dilute them before applying them to the skin.


MAJESTIC PURE Peppermint Essential Oil

Majestic Pure Lavender USDA Organic Essential Oil

MAJESTIC PURE Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Carrier oil: All essential oils need to be used with a carrier oil to dilute them. 4-Piece Carrier Oil Variety Pack Gift Set – Essential Oil Mixing

Yoga and Meditation: Practicing yoga and meditation regularly can help reduce stress, a significant trigger for migraines. These practices can help increase blood and oxygen flow throughout the body, providing pain relief and relaxation to the muscles and nerves.

Exercise: Regular exercise can also help reduce stress and relieve migraines. It helps regulate blood flow in the body, which can help prevent symptoms from developing. Choose low-impact exercises like walking or cycling, which can be helpful in providing relaxation and pain relief.

Migraines can be prevented and managed with natural remedies. Incorporating these remedies into your daily routine can help reduce the frequency of migraines and provide relief from the pain. However, it is essential to note that natural remedies may not suit everyone. If you’re experiencing migraines regularly, you must speak with your doctor before trying any natural remedies. Additionally, making some lifestyle changes like regularly sleeping and eating a balanced diet can help prevent migraines. Remember to try different remedies until you find what works best for you. So, give these remedies a try, and you may find that your migraines become more manageable!

Ashwagandha Root: The Miracle Herb for COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on our health, both physically and mentally. The world is still looking for a cure or a vaccine to fight this deadly virus. Scientists and researchers are working tirelessly to develop a safe and effective vaccine. Meanwhile, we can take measures to boost our immunity to protect ourselves from the virus. One such measure is to add Ashwagandha root to our daily diet. Ashwagandha root, a herb commonly found in India, is a natural immune booster and has numerous health benefits.

1. Boosts Immunity

Ashwagandha root is known to boost immunity by enhancing the body’s defense against infections. The herb stimulates the production of white blood cells, which are essential for fighting infections. Ashwagandha also increases the production of antibodies, which help the body recognize and fight foreign invaders, including viruses.

2. Anti-Inflammatory properties

COVID-19 causes inflammation in the affected person’s lungs, leading to breathing difficulties. Ashwagandha root contains anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation and ease breathing difficulties.

3. Anti-viral properties

The Ashwagandha root has antiviral properties that help protect the body against viruses like the flu and COVID-19. The herb helps inhibit the growth and spread of viruses by suppressing the virus’s ability to replicate.

4. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to increased levels of stress and anxiety worldwide. Ashwagandha root has adaptogenic properties that help the body cope with stress. The herb calms the nervous system, reduces cortisol levels, and improves the mood.

5. Maintains Blood Sugar levels

People with pre-existing medical conditions like diabetes are at a higher risk of getting infected with COVID-19. Ashwagandha root helps maintain blood sugar levels, reducing the chances of getting infected by COVID-19.

Ashwagandha root is a natural miracle herb that can boost immunity, reduce inflammation, and fight viruses. The herb can help protect our bodies against COVID-19 by strengthening our immune system and reducing stress and anxiety levels. Adding Ashwagandha root to our daily diet can significantly improve our overall wellbeing, both physically and mentally. However, always consult a doctor before adding any herbs to your diet or before trying any new supplements.

Get yours here.

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Grounding with Mother Earth: 7 Surprising Benefits of Earthing

Why We Meditate




The Benefits of Obsession and How to Harness It

When you hear the word “obsession”, negative connotations might pop into your mind. However, obsession is not always a bad thing. In fact, obsession can be a powerful force for creativity, innovation, and success. If you harness your obsession and channel it in a positive direction, it can become a powerful tool for reaching your goals. In this article, we will explore how obsession can be good and how to make it work for you. Let’s begin the benefits of obsession.

Obsession can Lead to Creativity

Many artists, writers, and musicians have admitted that their best work comes from a place of obsession. When you become consumed with an idea or a project, it can drive you to create something truly magical. It forces you to think outside of the box and take risks that you may not have taken otherwise. Obsession can be a powerful catalyst for creativity, and it often leads to groundbreaking work.

Obsession Can Lead to Success

Many successful people credit their success to their obsession. When you are obsessed with something, you are willing to put in the time, effort, and energy needed to achieve your goals. You are willing to work harder and longer than anyone else. This level of dedication can lead to significant success in your career, personal life, or other areas of your life.

Obsession can Help You Focus

When you are obsessed with something, it can help you tune out distractions and focus on what really matters. It can help you prioritize your time and energy, so you are working towards your goals instead of getting bogged down by other tasks. Obsession can give you a laser-like focus that will help you achieve your goals faster and more efficiently.

Obsession Can Energize You

When you are obsessed with something, it can give you a surge of energy and motivation like nothing else. You feel passionate and alive, and this can be incredibly energizing. This surge of energy and motivation can help you tackle big challenges and overcome obstacles that may have once seemed insurmountable.

Tips for Harnessing your Obsession

If you want to harness your obsession and make it work for you, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure that you are channeling your obsession in a positive direction. Set clear goals and work towards them diligently. Second, make sure that you are taking care of yourself. Obsession can be all-consuming, but it’s essential to make time for self-care, so you don’t burn out. Third, surround yourself with people who support you and believe in your goals. Finally, be willing to adapt and change course as needed. Sometimes, obsession can blind us to other opportunities, so it’s essential to take a step back and re-evaluate.

Obsession can be a powerful tool that can lead to creativity, success, focus, and energy. If you harness your obsession and channel it in a positive direction, it can become a significant asset in achieving your goals. Remember to take care of yourself and to surround yourself with people who support you along the way. With these tips, you can turn your obsession into an incredible force for good.

Other great Articles:

Grounding with Mother Earth: 7 Surprising Benefits of Earthing

Why We Meditate

Grounding with Mother Earth: 7 Surprising Benefits of Earthing

Our ancestors lived in harmony with nature and constantly connected with the earth. However, progress and technological advancements led us far away from our natural environment. Nowadays, we spend most of our time indoors and disconnected from the earth. But now, science proves that re-connecting with the earth holds many health benefits. This is what we call “earthing” or “grounding”. Earthing is a simple and effective way to support a healthy lifestyle, and in this blog, we will look at the top 7 benefits of grounding with Mother Earth.

Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is the root cause of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. Studies show that grounding can reduce inflammation by neutralizing free radicals and increasing antioxidants in the body. Simply put, earthing is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.

Improves Sleep Quality

Grounding lowers electrical charges in the body and synchronizes circadian rhythms, or the body’s internal clock. This means getting grounded can help you sleep better at night and wake up feeling rested and refreshed.

Enhances Mental Health

Stress and anxiety are rampant in modern society. Grounding reduces stress in the body by lowering cortisol levels and increasing serotonin, the “feel-good” hormone in the brain. Earthing has also been shown to help with depression and PTSD symptoms.

Boosts Immune System

Grounding can actively boost your immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting infections and diseases. When you are grounded, your body has more energy available to fight against infections.

Relieves Pain and Inflammation

As we mentioned earlier, grounding has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Thus, grounding has been found to be effective in relieving pain and inflammation associated with arthritis, menstrual pain, and other chronic conditions.

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Earthing balances the nervous system and helps to regulate the blood sugar levels. It also provides a calming effect on the body, which lowers the stress hormones that can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes.

Balances Hormones and Improves Fertility

Grounding has been known to balance hormones and improve fertility in women. The stress-reducing effect of grounding can help regulate menstrual cycles and improve reproductive function.

In conclusion, earthing or grounding is a simple and effective way to enhance your overall health and wellbeing. From reducing inflammation to improving sleep quality, grounding with Mother Earth can help you feel better both physically and mentally. So, take some time to step outside and connect with the earth today. Your body will thank you for it!

Here is a great way to ground with Mother Earth and meditate, Meditation for beginners.

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How to Meditate – for Beginners

If you’ve ever wondered how to meditate but weren’t sure where to start, then this blog post is for you. Meditation is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to relax both your mind and body. It can also help to improve your emotional well-being and mental clarity.

Good News!

The good news is that anyone can learn how to meditate, regardless of experience or background. All it takes is a few simple steps and soon enough you’ll be on your way to reaping the many benefits that meditation has to offer.

Step One

The first step is to find a comfortable spot where you won’t be disturbed. This could be anywhere from your bedroom floor to a park bench. Once you’ve selected your spot, sit in a comfortable position with your legs crossed and your back straight.

Step Two

The second step is to close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Take deep breaths through the nose and slow exhales through the mouth. Feel each breath as it enters and leaves your body, letting any distracting thoughts drift away.

Step Three

Finally, allow yourself to relax and let go. Don’t focus on anything but instead stay open and spacious, allowing yourself to just be present in the moment.

Now that you know the basics of how to meditate, it’s time to start reaping its many benefits! With regular practice, you’ll soon start to notice positive changes in your physical and mental health. From improved focus to reduced stress levels, you’ll be amazed at the effects meditation can have on your wellbeing.

This Post is for you:

Why We Meditate

Power of Music on Mood and Health

Eat This for Brain Function

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My Favorite Meditation:

Why We Meditate

Meditation is a practice of mindfulness that involves focusing the mind on the present moment while letting go of all thoughts and worries. This ancient practice has been used for centuries to help people find inner peace and balance. In today’s fast-paced world, it can be even more beneficial, as it helps us to take a break from our busy lives and reconnect with ourselves and our environment. Let’s dive into why we meditate.

Why Meditation is Good for You

The benefits of meditation on both mind and body are numerous. When we take the time to meditate, it can help us to cultivate a heightened sense of focus and concentration, as well as reduce stress levels. Our emotional wellbeing and mental clarity will also improve from regular practice.

At a physical level, meditation can have a positive impact on our bodies. It can lower blood pressure, improve immune function, and even reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. In addition, meditation can help to enhance our physical performance by increasing stamina and improving breathing techniques.

Overall, the benefits of meditation are vast and diverse. If you’re looking for a way to relax your mind and body, it’s worth giving this ancient practice a try. From improved focus to reduced stress levels, you’ll be amazed at the effects meditation can have on your well-being.

Check out these posts:

How to Meditate – for Beginners

Power of Music on Mood and Health

Eat This for Brain Function

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My Favorite Meditation:

The Power of Music on Mood and Health

Have you ever had a bad day where all you wanted to do was retreat into your room and blast your favorite tunes? Or maybe you’ve struggled with anxiety and found peace in listening to soft melodies. Music has a way of tapping into our emotions and influencing our mood. But did you know that it can also have a significant impact on our health? Today, we’re exploring the power of music on mood and health.

Music on Mood

Firstly, let’s talk about the impact of music on our mood. It’s no secret that music can instantly change how we feel – whether it’s pumping us up for a workout or soothing us to sleep. As we listen to music, our brains release chemicals such as dopamine and oxytocin which elevate our mood and reduce stress. A study from McGill University found that listening to upbeat music can even help to decrease pain levels. So, next time you’re feeling down, try turning on some joyful tunes to boost your mood.

Music on Health

Secondly, music can have an impact on our physical health. Research has shown that music can help to lower blood pressure and heart rate, reduce anxiety, and stress, and improve sleep quality. In fact, a study in the Journal of Advanced Nursing showed that listening to calming music can reduce the need for pain medication after surgery. It’s amazing to think that something as simple as listening to music can have such a profound impact on our physical well-being.

Music on Mental Health

Thirdly, music therapy is a powerful tool that can be used to improve mental health. This type of therapy involves using music to promote emotional health, cognitive functioning, and social skills. It’s been shown to be effective in treating conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Music therapy can be tailored to an individual’s specific needs, and can include listening to music, creating music, or working with a trained music therapist. It’s an effective and non-invasive way to support mental health and well-being.

Music on Community

Fourthly, music can bring people together and build a sense of community. Whether it’s through attending concerts or singing in a choir, music has a way of connecting us to one another. It can uplift our spirits and bring a sense of joy and belonging. In fact, a study from the University of Oxford found that engaging in group singing boosted participants’ mental health and feelings of social support compared to those who didn’t.

Music on Creativity

Lastly, music can inspire creativity and boost productivity. Have you ever noticed how listening to music while working can help you to focus and increase your productivity? This is because music activates different areas of the brain, including the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for decision making and goal setting. It can also help to block out distracting noises and improve our mood, which in turn helps us to get more done.


Music has the power to move us emotionally, physically, and mentally. Whether it’s lifting our mood or reducing stress, music can have a positive impact on our health and well-being. So next time you’re feeling down or struggling to concentrate, try turning on some tunes and let the music work its magic. You might be surprised at how much it can help!

Cough Cold Flu Syrup Recipe

Hi all,

I am making cough/cold/flu syrup next weekend. I call it the Kitchen Sink. It’s got everything in there.

Here’s what I’m going to use:

Cold and flu:
  • Elderberries
    • Clears Mucus
    • Quickens recovery
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Iron
    • Zinc
    • Vitamin C
    • Immune booster
    • Decongestant
    • Expectorant
  • Pineapple juice
    • Vitamins A & C
    • Aids in digestion
  • Honey
    • Sore throat
  • Lemon
    • Sore throat
    • Vitamin C
    • Alkaline effects
  • Ginger
    • Soothes stomach
    • Curbs motion sickness
    • Aids digestion
    • Respiratory aid
  • Cayenne pepper
    • Sore throat
  • Echinacea
    • Sore throat
    • Flu
    • Tonsillitis
    • Immune modulator
    • Anti-inflammatory
  • Chamomile
    • Congestion
    • Hay Fever
    • Headache
  • Licorice Root
    • Expectorant
    • Cough
    • Bronchitis
    • Soothes
    • Anti-inflammatory
  • Nettle Leaf
    • Anti-allergy
    • Rhinitis
    • Tonic
    • Anti-inflammatory
  • Thyme
    • Expectorant
    • Muscle aches
Pain Relievers:
  • Ashwagandha Root
    • Convalescence
    • Mild sedative
    • Tonic
  • White Willow Bark
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Fever Reducer
    • Pain reliever
  • Cramp Bark
    • Muscle aches
    • Pain relief
    • Sedative

I will make a decoction of all the hard woody barks, roots, and berries. Infuse all the leaves and flowers. Then, combine them together with the honey, pineapple & lemon juices and cayenne while they are still warm. Finally, I will bottle them in a dark glass bottle with a cork stopper and store in a cool, dry place until needed up to 6 months.

I’ll update when it is complete.


Today I finished the process. It didn’t taste great, but it wasn’t bad. I had an issue with the brown bottles I chose to store the syrup in. 3 out of the 6 cracked during the disinfecting process. To be honest, it was my fault. I cooled them too fast instead of letting them cool in the oven. Lesson learned.

Another issue was, I had too much to bottle. There’s no way my family will use this all in a 6 month period. I guess I’ll have some to throw away at the end of the flu season. Better safe than sorry. Maybe I’ll send some to my son at college. maybe he can share with his flat mates.

I have calculated all the ingredients I put in there divided by the volume that was created and found this to be the dosing directions: 1 Tablespoon every hour until there is change and 1T 3x per day thereafter.

Time will tell how it works.

Again, I’ll keep you posted.

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