Eat This for Brain Function

These eight nutrients are best for brain function.

The researchers narrowed down the 32 nutritional substances provided by a traditional Mediterranean diet to several that appear to play key roles in healthy brain aging, enhanced cognitive performance, functional brain network efficiency, executive function, and general intelligence. These include omega-3 fatty acids, found in significant amounts in fatty fish and fish oils; omega-6 fatty acids, found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, poultry products and whole grains; lycopene, found in red pigmented plant foods such as tomatoes and watermelon; carotenoids found in yellow and orange pigmented foods such as sweet potatoes, winter squash and carrots; vitamin D, found mostly in fatty fish and fortified dairy products and dairy substitutes such as soy milk; and the B Vitamins riboflavin, found in dairy products and enriched grains; folate found in dark leafy greens and other vegetables and fruit; and B12, found in animal products such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, and fortified breakfast cereals. A subset of the original study participants returned two years later for follow-up and similar nutrient patterns were confirmed.

It should be stated that this study relied on actual blood tests and MRIs for the results instead of cognitive testing and self report surveys.

Read all about it here.

Have We Gone Too Far in Promoting Sunscreen Use?

Short Answer: Maybe

American’s  might be blocking the sun so well (Sunscreen: SPF 15+) that we are not getting enough Vitamin D. It may be time to go without the sunscreen occasionally and get some sun. Read more about it here.


U.S.News got in touch with Robyn Lucas, an epidemiologist at Australian National University who led a study published in the February issue of the International Journal of Epidemiology. Her finding: Far more lives are lost to diseases caused by a lack of sunlight than to those caused by too much.

Here is some great new research into the benefits of adding a little more Vitamin D into your life. Enjoy!

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